by | Mar 30, 2021 | BULLET JOURNAL, SELF CARE | 0 comments

Welcome to the 2nd quarter of 2021 and where has the time gone. I swear I almost wrote April 2020 instead. Thankfully, reality just kicked in.

Well, this month is bound to be a really hectic one for me because my finals are happening this month. This was why I’ve decided to choose this as my cover page.


Since finals season is impending, I thought that it will be extremely fitting that I have a little study spot for my cover page this month.

I love where this table is situated and wished that every time when I am tired, I can just look up to see beautiful scenery. Since I cannot have that view (my table is right in front of a white wall). This is actually also a good thing since I get so easily distracted by things.


As usual, the calendar is a simple one and I will just circle the important dates I have and refer to the weekly spreads.

This month, I believe that I will be busier with my studies and will least likely focus on other areas. Thus, I’ve decided to be realistic and only set some goals for my blog (I’ll try my best!!) and the most important part, my studies.


This month’s expense tracker is similar to my previous month’s expense tracker. I find that it is very useful for me to visualise my expenses as oppose to keeping them in the application that I’ve been using. You can find out more about this application in this blog post.

The four categories listed above are the beginning balance for April 1st. In the end, use your expenses which are recorded in the table below to make a tally. This helps you check if there are any missing expenses or any money outflow when there shouldn’t be.

To find out more about how you can use the same method to track your expenses, do check out this blog post here.


These are some of the habits which I hope to track either monthly, weekly or daily. I noticed a few months ago that there are some important things I should track but it just could not fit the traditional daily habit tracker. I could not figure out where I should put the habits which were less frequent. So I devised this and split my habits up so it is more clearer and definitely a lot more aesthetic than cramming everything into the weekly spreads.


This month, something new that I got inspired by is the “Letters to myself”. I find that it is so important to take care of ourselves. Sometimes, I feel that you are the best comfort to yourself. Only you can help yourself get out of that funk. So this spread is specially designed for that.

So I’ve chosen to split it into two areas. One for when your upside self writes about the positive in life. The other is for when your downside self feels bad and need some comfort.

I find that it is a really good exercise as it reminds you about the positive things in life while providing some encouragement. The upside self letter is a reminder that “Hey, you were happy at the time of writing this and that you can always become happy again”. The downside self letter is an encouragement for how things can be better, kind of a guide to help you out of the funk that you’re in.

And besides who doesn’t like receiving letters. I know I do love and appreciate any handwritten notes or letters!


This is definitely one of my favourite spreads of all time. It is a simple spread that splits into 7 spaces for the 7 days of the week. In addition, there is a notes section that can be used to allocate any reminders for tasks to do this week. Or anything that I have to take note of, for next week.


Nothing too different from the March spread over here. I really loved the words “Memories” and “Musings” to represent the end of the month so I brought that over to this month. The memories can be pictures, photos, words, quotes to represent the months. While the musings are more for reflection in hopes that the next month can be much better and we may improve from where we are currently.

And there you have it. The BUJO for the month of April! It was a relatively simple spread but since it is going to be a crazy month, I thought that it would be nice to keep things simple. ¡Vamos todos! summer is just around the corner!



A Singaporean writer who recently graduated from university and is trying out creative work while navigating through a new chapter in her life. Her passion lies in documenting her experiences. When Ryona’s not writing, you can find her scouring the internet for all sorts of inspiration or busy exploring.


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Hey there! I’m Ryona, a writer from Singapore and the face behind RYONANNA. I enjoy learning about new things and writing about my experiences on this platform in my free time. Stick around for tips & tricks as I try out different activities so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!