by | Dec 27, 2020 | BULLET JOURNAL, SELF CARE | 0 comments

Welcome to a brand new 2021! Okay, I’d admit that the last year was not the best year. But with a brand new year, it is time to reflect on last year and start the year afresh to make this the best year ever (Questionable but nevertheless possible!).

Let’s kickstart this year the right way! Cheers y’all!


This cover spread is how I hope to start my year. Simple but filled with numerous possibilities for improvement.


A grid space have been a huge trend in the past few years for ease of planning in the BUJO community. So this year, I decided to create one to help with my spreads for the next few months. Hopefully, I will remember to use this spread!

Some of the spaces are in halves, thirds, quarters. I’ve also chosen to include some space for the header before incorporating the halves, thirds and quarters. I do believe that this will definitely change as I plan out different spreads throughout the year! But for now, this is how it is!

I’m not going into more detail for this because I do believe that this is dependent on the size of your notebooks, and the type of spreads that you will be creating frequently.


This year, my quote of the year is “You can get excited about the future, the past would not mind”. I hope that this serves as a reminder that we should not be living on our past. We should let go and become excited about any future plans which we make for ourselves. Read this blog post on how to work on self-care.

4. 2021 GOALS

This year, I have decided to split my goals in 3 different areas (Personal goals, Business and Blog). Instead of lumping all my goals under one umbrella.

I also thought about how each year, it was difficult to define whether I completed my goals or not. It is meaningless to have the goal and strike it off if I technically did not complete it.

So, having been inspired by @craftyenginerd on Instagram, I chose to include the purpose, obstacle and action plans.

  1. Purpose: This helps you think about why you should even set the goal. It questions whether that goal is even something that you want to seriously accomplish. Otherwise, there is not much use for that goal. In fact, having lesser goals may not be such a bad thing.
  2. Obstacle: These obstacles are potential deterrence which prevents you from overcoming that goal. Thus, after understanding the purpose of the goal, curate this list of obstacles so you’ll have some mental preparation that accomplishing the goal is not easy. If you can work on avoiding or even eliminating these obstacles, do it. You’ll be more likely to accomplish the goals you’ve set.
  3. Action Plans: This will be a measurable aspect of your goal. These actions should be specific and something which you can use to work towards achieving your goal. Do note that these action plans should work with avoiding your obstacles! Your goal will then only be considered achieved, after completing these tasks.

An example, your goal may be to work out more in 2021. This goal should come with a purpose. This purpose may be that, you want to achieve a healthier lifestyle or that you want to have a beach body at the end of the year. Some obstacles that you may encounter are that you will be lazy, or find excuses to not work out. The action plan that is made up may be such that ensuring that you work out for at least 20 minutes weekly for at least 85% of the weeks in 2021. Work out includes going to the gym, yoga stretches or squash session with friends. But it does not include simply walking for 20 minutes (I’m guilty of this which is why this year, my plans are going to be more specific!). This is a rough idea of how your goal setting may be like.

Do take note that the more measurable they are, the higher the likelihood that you can be accountable to yourself on achieving your tasks. Not just fooling yourself into completing them when you haven’t. After all, these are the goals you’ve set for yourself. It will be a pity if you don’t succeed in completing them.

Contrary to what many feel about having too many goals, discourages focus on achieving what is important. However, I personally love having many goals because I find myself being able to accomplish more goals than if I only had just a few goals. I believe that it is not important to complete every goal that was set. After all, there are many things which change throughout the year and your goals have to be adjusted accordingly. When such changes happen, having goals should not become a liability neither should it cause stress. It should be a drive to push you forward. Facing these changes, a periodic review on these goals should be done. It will allow three things to happen.

  1. Whether this goal remains relevant in the circumstances you’re in.
  2. Whether your action plan for achieving this goal is working. If not, you may want to change the method you are using
  3. It serves as a reminder of the change that you are hoping to make in the new year

Of course, all of these suggestions are based on personal preference. So you need to know what is best for yourself! You do you and decide what method is more appropriate. An upcoming blog post is about how you can set your goals and accomplish them! Do keep a lookout!


This future log is a simple one where I’ll be writing down some of the major events which is having for each month.

This includes any exam days, interview dates.


The braindump page is just a simple spread which I will be using to include some of the ideas which I might include in my business goals spread, which is on the next page.

I find this useful as I can keep track of the different ideas which I have and hope to do for my business instead of having them separated. I do get inspired at times when it is not convenient to brainstorm further (aka when I’m just about to sleep). So this spread will be much needed and useful!

For the goals spread, the goals are like mini-missions (or tasks) which I want to accomplish each month. It is the more in-depth breakdown of the action plans which I had set earlier in the BUJO which will then be categorized into the corresponding months.


Similar to the previous spread, the blog braindump will be for getting more blogpost ideas and even switching around some of the things that I want to do for the blog design.

As for the blog schedule, this is more of a milestone tracker which is used for me to schedule the dates for different blog posts and ensure that I will remain on task for them. So, do keep a lookout on this blog!


This tracker was one of my favourite to create!

This is to keep track of all my friends, family’s birthdays and any public holidays which are occurring next year. So I can remember to get their presents. I know what you’re thinking, that’s what the Facebook birthday notifications are for. Well, I really like putting them all together so here they are.

Looking forward to celebrating all these birthdays and holidays! Can’t wait!


This year, I found that I had a list of Passwords which I have been creating for all the job application websites. Since each of them has different password requirements, it was beginning to become difficult in tracking all of them. So, I’ve decided to create a spread for them to have a home.

Of course, I am not writing the actual passwords. Instead, I will be writing the hints to the password. Hopefully, I would be more organized and avoid the 5892759 emails that I receive on the subject “Reset your Password” in my inbox.


One of my goals this year (like every other year) is to read more! So, I want to keep track of the books I read.

Apart from keeping track, I would also like to notate ideas which I learnt from what I read. It could be as simple as being nicer to someone or as complicated as figuring out what life’s meaning is (Sidenote: If you know what is the meaning, please let me know).


Last year, due to the pandemic, it was difficult most of us were not allowed to travel so I’ve decided to put down some of the places to rediscover sunny Singapore. Do keep a lookout for all those blogposts to share my experiences!

On the right side of the spread, I decided to include some photos which I will be taking on the rediscovering Singapore!

Just in case, we are fortunate enough to travel overseas next year, I have also included the bucket list for Australia where the rest of my family is at and any other countries which I might be able to travel to.

Similarly, the right side of the spread is to document my adventures.


I was researching on what to put into my 2021 spread when I came across Reflect with Raksha on Youtube. In her recent 2021 BUJO setup, she talked about incorporating this spread into her journal.

So I decided to do the same and reflect on these 4 things, pride, fears, improvement and gratitude

  1. Pride: We are definitely all proud of something in our lives. So, I think that we should write it down to remind ourselves that we have done things that make us proud of ourselves. It can be as simple as I made my aunt’s cat tolerate my presence (Definitely don’t want one of these sinister creatures in my household anytime soon) or getting into your dream university or job.
  2. Fears: Oftentimes, there are many things that we fear. That’s okay. What matters is that we are aware of it and embrace these imperfections that we have. Maybe one day, or even this year, we can work towards eliminating it. You never know what 2021 can bring you 😂
  3. Improvement: After looking at your pride and fears, there may be things which you want to improve in. Perfect! Every year is a new year where there is something that you can try out. You are never the same as the person you were a year ago. Oftentimes, you are in a better position than not. If you aren’t, you can be in the next year. But only if you start this year. Which is where goal setting comes it! You can do it! Let’s do this together!
  4. Gratitude: These are things which you should remind yourself about how lucky you are to have. It may be taking a breath of fresh air, being able to bask in the sunlight, even appreciating that nosy co-worker of yours as you return back to the office. Whatever it is, having gratitude is a great way to appreciate the little things in life which makes you happy and thankful.


This year, this hope to write down some affirmations I have for when I am feeling down.

It is inevitable for us to breakdown once in a while. So, we all need something to remind ourselves on the wonderful person we are, the things we have. Some affirmations.

I’ve decided to incorporate the self-care ideas on the left so that during such times, I can also do some of those things to cheer myself up.

Of course, these ideas can be implemented to some of your usual routines weekly.

I find that mental health is a huge struggle for many people (I hear you, myself included). So, I do hope that this post will help all of you out there with dealing with your own brain. Because, like mine, they just go all over the place sometimes and needs to be reeled in a little.

This upcoming blog post is all about self-care so do keep a lookout for it!


All my girls out there, do you feel me when you absolutely cannot remember when your period is about to come. Well, this little spread, inspired by @leelajournals on Youtube is one that I will be using to track my monthly cycles. I included a few little doddles of things which tends to help me when I’m on my period. Some chocolate, candles, tea and sleep always helps with those bad bad cramps 🙂


This spread was inspired by @amandarachlee on youtube.

So, every month, I will be taking a poloroid which I will be pasting on this spread every month to remind myself on the fun things which I’ve done this month.

With that, that is the end of my 2021 BUJO Setup! It was quite a bit of things which I used but I hope that they will all help me out in this new year. Be it with meeting my goals, taking care of my health (both mental and physical) or even keeping track of the memories which I had made!

Happy new year all my darlings and keep out for the January 2021 blog post which will be out soon!



A Singaporean writer who recently graduated from university and is trying out creative work while navigating through a new chapter in her life. Her passion lies in documenting her experiences. When Ryona’s not writing, you can find her scouring the internet for all sorts of inspiration or busy exploring.


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Hey there! I’m Ryona, a writer from Singapore and the face behind RYONANNA. I enjoy learning about new things and writing about my experiences on this platform in my free time. Stick around for tips & tricks as I try out different activities so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!