by | Oct 29, 2020 | BULLET JOURNAL, SELF CARE | 0 comments

November, the second last month of 2020 and my favourite month all year round. This month is extra special for me because it is my birthday month!

Which was why I decided to take a little more effort than usual to create this spread of November. This month’s spread is all about digital life. From websites to applications.

This spread has been inspired by a couple of people in the BUJO community, @amandarachlee from youtube, @ihggs from Instagram. The rest is just everyday inspiration from the applications that I’ve been using!


I started with the momentum page which is a google extension. I get inspired from it daily whenever I open a new tab. It really helps me to keep organized. This post shares about other extensions which are so helpful for students.

This month, I hope to set a major goal so this will serve as a reminder.


This is a simple calendar was inspired by the calendar application on Windows. I simply use this to track the days of the month. I had fun drawing those little icons at the bottom hehe.


On the left side of the page, I was inspired by Instagram as I was creating this spread. I tend to see a lot of quotes on there and I thought that it will be fitting.

This month, I hope to be inspired because I have a lot of tests and submissions which I need to complete. Even having an exam on my birthday 😢 (Wish me luck)

This quote is meant to motivate and encourage that with hustling, good things will come.

I hope this will motivate all of you as you enter into the final part of this semester! Winter break is just around the corner! 🙂


On the right side of the page, the spread was inspired by the lock screen on my iPhone. This will be the goals which I will set for the month. As usual, I will be covering the three areas in my life, my studies, blog and business. Although this month, I believe I will be focusing more on the former than the latter two.


This spread was inspired by the Digibank application that DBS (a Singapore bank) which I use to track the money in my accounts.

I have split it into two different categories, wallet and bank. The wallet will include the actual amount of cash at the start of the month and will be used to calculate the ending balance after subtracting the expenses (on Point 7).

Reminder: For your bank account, this is for reference purposes. I would not suggest that you write the beginning and ending balance into your BUJO for safety reasons. Rather, refer back to your bank statements to cross-check with the Debit-Credit Tracker.

So this spread will be used to indicate the beginning balance of November. For full instructions on using this tracker do refer to my blog post for my September BUJO!


This spread was inspired by none other than our daily go-to application, Spotify!

This month, I am foreseeing that I would be studying and doing projects more than anything else. Personally, I cannot listen to songs with lyrics so I choose a Lofi Hip-hop Music playlist as I am doing my work.

I had chosen the song “We’ll Be Fine, I promise” because even though this semester will be tough, we will be alright. Pinky promise.


This spread was one of my proudest spread and was inspired by Microsoft Excel.

I have decided to separate my expenses each day into different categories, cash and bank. So depending on the means I use for the expense, I will deduct or add accordingly.

At the end of the month, I will tally it just like an excel document.


This was inspired by the webpage which is used frequently along with my favourite spread of all time.

I simply split the page into two columns. One is used for writing the schedule for the day while the other is used to record things to remember for the day. See this blog post on how to plan your day using just 15 minutes a day.


This is another one of those spreads which took me a while to draw out. I felt so accomplished after finishing this. I absolutely love how it turned out!

This was inspired by none other than Gmail (just before they changed the icons in October).

I wanted to make it a habit to write down some of the things which had made the month. It could include events, accomplishments etc. Just an overall feel of the month.


This has been inspired by the built-in photos application on the iPhone.

Apart from my reflection (in Point 9), I wanted to make a spread for some memories of November. So this month, I’ll be sure to take a lot of photos even if it may just be my notes 😅. Hopefully, it will look like a gallery on my phone once I print them out and stick it into the journal.

There are only 60 days until the end of 2020! Have you used the opportunity whilst at home to improve yourself and meet your new year’s resolution?

With 2 months left, the length is perfect for everyone to cultivate some new habits.

No matter who you are, we all have something that we hope to change in our lives.

Be it, eating healthier, exercising frequently, sleeping and waking up earlier.

Perhaps, you will be able to usher the new year with a better you.

For the remaining months, my goal is to sleep earlier and wake up earlier. I hope to change my habit of sleeping way too late. What about the rest of you? Comment down below some changes you’d like to make in your lives. Let’s achieve our goals together! 💖

Only just 60 days left till 2021. Would you be a better version of yourself than today?



A Singaporean writer who recently graduated from university and is trying out creative work while navigating through a new chapter in her life. Her passion lies in documenting her experiences. When Ryona’s not writing, you can find her scouring the internet for all sorts of inspiration or busy exploring.


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Hey there! I’m Ryona, a writer from Singapore and the face behind RYONANNA. I enjoy learning about new things and writing about my experiences on this platform in my free time. Stick around for tips & tricks as I try out different activities so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!