by | Aug 20, 2020 | NTU, PRODUCTIVITY, UNIVERSITY | 0 comments

Summer break is officially over (for me at least), kicking start to the new semester on an all-new high. Yikes.

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 situation has put our usual classroom situation on hiatus. So online learning is a new adaptation we have to get used to.

Yay for all of you uni students who dislike going for physical classes! I know they can be so dreadful. Especially on a Monday morning. I hear you!

Or maybe you belong to the other group who loves going to school instead! I’m with you!

However, regardless of which group you prefer, the realities are that online lessons are more common now.

So here’s exactly how you can adapt to the new norm of studying online!


Don’t skip your classes just because your prof records them and you can watch it anytime. Trust me, you’ll be so behind and before you know it, tests are here and you are still watching that 2nd lecture video. See my blog post on why you should attend class in this post “15 things I learnt from my freshmen year“).

Now that I have convinced you to attend class, how should you prepare for it?

Personally, I prefer my notes handwritten so I would print the PDFs/ Powerpoint sent by the profs. If you do the same, I’ll encourage you to print your notes in advance. Avoid waiting till 5 minutes before class to do it, otherwise, you may be flustered if your notes are not printed on time. You’ll also want to have all your stationery ready.

It is not hard to try to hear your prof speak (even over the occasion lag over zoom). But to catch the important points, it may not be as easy. If you’re not actively moving (eg writing notes), before you know it you’re drifting. By focusing on a task relating to what you’re listening to, it’s more likely that you can retain information and concentrate.

If you prefer to read your notes online, ensure you have downloaded your notes in advance and have them ready as well. You’ll be surprised on how often the school’s portal crash.

Been there, done that.

I also like to have a glass of water beside me while I attend the lecture online so I don’t have to walk to the kitchen repeatedly. It is very distracting for yourself and it can be hard catching up when you return.

The most important thing is to enter your meeting 5 minutes earlier. This is basic courtesy. Just because the class is online, the class should not have to wait for you before it begins. I’ve seen so many people enter the meeting late and the prof had to stop multiple times in between to let those people in. It’s so disruptive and not fair to the rest of the students.


It can be so much more difficult now to find groupmates especially since you can’t just go up to them anymore. Everything and everyone is online.

One tip I would suggest is to PM them across the video-conferencing platform.

The afternoon I was writing this post, a girl pinged me on zoom. It caught me by surprised since I didn’t know who she was. She privately introduced herself over the zoom chat after seeing me just once during the orientation camp.

If you still cannot find a group, then drop your prof an email. Explain that you’ve tried but it would seem like everyone has a group already. As long as you’re polite, they should be more than happy to link you up with the other students experiencing similar problems.

So don’t be shy and try to reach out!


Indeed the thing that you know you need to do but find it hard to execute.

Time Management.

Having online classes may mean that the time spent travelling to school is reduced. After all, you can access your lectures and tutorials from the comfort of your own home. However, before you become too comfortable, you should beware of the temptation to overschedule.

Overscheduling is that you sign up for more modules than you can handle or add too many other curriculums into your timetable. This is because your timetable feels more empty than usual. But if you’re not used to it, you’ll find that it’s so easy to tire out and lose motivation. So, know what you can handle and plan from there!

Avoid taking more than you can chew.

That being said, do schedule and spend the rest of your time wisely each day. Ensure that you complete whatever you sign up for. There’s need to be disciplined to complete your to-dos. There’s no one now that will push you to complete them!

BUT as you go about planning your schedule, do remember to schedule some time for yourself!

You are the most important!


Staying silent when you don’t understand can be so stressful.

So feel free to NOT mute yourself if you are comfortable enough to ask questions or even asking the prof to repeat themselves over the video conference.

Some of your profs may have catered time between the lecture time to make sure that you are on par with them. So you can use those times to ask your questions!

The chatbox function is a huge lifesaver for you introverts out there. You can write down the questions or discussion in there. Most profs keep a lookout for questions so be sure to stay attentive as they are going through!

At the same time, do take the time to learn how to communicate using concise language and wordings. It is important to not beat around the bush and be straight to the point!


Finding that right spot in your house and get rid of distractions. This includes both devices, even people!

Since you’re likely to be home, your family members are likely to think that you have some time to help them around the house. Finding a quiet enough spot is optimal especially since it much harder to pay attention to your prof already. You may want to try closing your door. A friend of mine even wrote out her timetable on her door. Her family has bothered her less during those periods.

I’m guilty of distracted so often since my mother often walks past me while I’m hunched at the dining table listening to my live lectures. Worst is when she starts talking to me. In those situations, be polite and let them know you are having a class. Perhaps you can help them out later.

Devices include switching your phone to silent mode, closing the tabs of any websites unrelated to what you’re studying. Especially turning off notifications if possible. I personally use Whatsapp web so when the notifications come in, it becomes a huge distraction since I feel the need to reply at that moment.

That split-second decision can cause you to miss the most important part of the lecture.

Here’s a suggestion on how you can concentrate.

It is not hard to hear your prof speak (even over the occasion lag over zoom). But to catch the important points, it may not be as easy. If you’re not actively moving (eg writing notes), it is so easy to start daydreaming. By focusing on a task relating to what you’re listening to, it’s more likely that you can retain information and concentrate. What a plus!


Oftentimes, your lectures are recorded which means your actions can be recorded. So you will want to be quite careful about how you are acting in front of the camera.

Ensure that you’re on mute so you don’t say anything you are not supposed to. Ahem. Or maybe secretly surfing watching Netflix in class. You don’t want to make that obvious.

Simply checking your settings once you enter into the room and throughout the lecture can reduce the chance of an embarrassing situation.

Do also remind whoever is around to be mindful of how they dress or better yet to avoid being in the view of the camera. I would suggest dressing well for each class as well, even if you’re not about to go out. This is because it makes you feel much more put together and ready to begin the class. You may want to read this post on “15 things I learnt as a freshman” to find out more.


In these odd times, I have both physical and online classes. Thus, it is important that you know what a mess your schedule might be if you don’t order your classes right.

This is especially important if you have back to back classes. You won’t want to be rushing to class when you have an online class in the morning and a physical lesson immediately after that.

The example I had was back to back online lessons from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. Then I have a Spanish class from 3:30 pm to 5 pm in school. There was just no way that I could make it to school within 0 minutes. It was also unrealistic to go to school as early as 8:30 am and sit there for the online lessons. Thus, it is very important to ensure that you schedule them without inconveniencing yourself.

At the same time, do take note to not over-schedule too many classes in one day. Remember point 3? It can be counterproductive and you risk having different module assignments due all on the same day.

Do also ensure that you note down the important dates. At the start of every semester, I like to record down the important dates which I need to take note for the entire semester. Here is how I did mine. You can refer to it at my blog post “Back to School BUJO ideas“.

I find that the system provides a very great structure for me to keep track of those important dates of mine. As a result, I can be well aware of the assignments which can be due much earlier than I think. So do try out this system!


Remember to stand up and move about. You are no longer walking between classes, and as you are reading this, you’ve probably been sitting in your chair for at least 2 hours.

I’m guilty of this as well.

As I am writing this post, I’ve been sitting here since 8:30 am. Yikes. Do also remember to hydrate yourself. The hours will waste away quicker than you think!


This is a situation that can just about happen to anyone.

Keep Calm and try logging on once again. When you’re back in class, apologise for leaving unexpected.

If you are very worried about this situation happening, you can use your phone as a backup. But be sure that you’re phone is hooked up on the wifi. Otherwise, you may incur unnecessary internet charges!


Learning online is a new thing for most students. Especially for your profs. Most of them have yet to teach online in their lives! So it might be taking a while for everyone to figure things out.

Regardless, if you have adapted quickly, congratulations to you! You are one step ahead already! Otherwise, keep trying alternative methods of studying, you’ll get there!

And the most important of all, STAY SAFE during this period! Avoid going out whenever. If you do, wear a mask. There’s a reason why your classes are held online.

If you are interested in getting organized for your new school semester, you may want to read the following.



A Singaporean writer who recently graduated from university and is trying out creative work while navigating through a new chapter in her life. Her passion lies in documenting her experiences. When Ryona’s not writing, you can find her scouring the internet for all sorts of inspiration or busy exploring.


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Hey there! I’m Ryona, a writer from Singapore and the face behind RYONANNA. I enjoy learning about new things and writing about my experiences on this platform in my free time. Stick around for tips & tricks as I try out different activities so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!