by | Jul 6, 2020 | BULLET JOURNAL, SELF CARE | 0 comments

Can you believe that half of 2020 is over and now we are entering July. Every time I have to make a new monthly spread, I always ask where the time has gone.

Without further ado, here is my spread for July!


This was inspired by an artist on pinterest. Please comment down below if you know who the artist is so that I can get them them credit the deserve!

This month, I decided to opt for a flowery- garden theme. I was inspired by a few BUJO artists and I’ll leave the credits as I go along!

My cover page of July 2020. I love how the flowers are different yet they co-exist together so beautifully.

Kind of like how we people should do the same. Set aside our differences and co-exist peacefully together.


For month at a glance, I decided not to draw the boxes as I find that I do not use them often. So I just wrote down the Calendar and I will fill in any important dates that I may have for the month. For example, someone’s birthday with the date.

I had to include a simple expense tracker to keep track of where my spending go. Circuit breaker just ended which means probably means more spending (Oops).


This was inspired by @amizaomar on instagram.

So since I’m trying to reduce my spending, I need to track them and reduce the unnecessary. Please tell me I’m not the only one.

Finally my weekly spreads for the incoming week. I’m currently experimenting with different weekly layouts. In the first week, I’ve decided to go for this look.


This was inspired by @wildeyesbujo on instagram.

Comment down below what your theme for JULY is!

I hope you felt inspired and now get started on BUJO-ing!



A Singaporean writer who recently graduated from university and is trying out creative work while navigating through a new chapter in her life. Her passion lies in documenting her experiences. When Ryona’s not writing, you can find her scouring the internet for all sorts of inspiration or busy exploring.


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Hey there! I’m Ryona, a writer from Singapore and the face behind RYONANNA. I enjoy learning about new things and writing about my experiences on this platform in my free time. Stick around for tips & tricks as I try out different activities so you don’t have to make the same mistakes!